Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bedroom Color Decoration

I see many individuals asking this question at the discussion forums and also searching over the internet. What do you think,  perfect color scheme for your bedroom think so.
Before going into the details looking for let me discuss a hard truth here. Listen carefully what you are going  bedroom. Here is a profound truth.
Let me explain. always surrounded by other fellow humans, in the office at home, attract certain type of people around us or even certain types of situations.
The answer lies  always tend to attract your reflection. Why? that's how the universal laws work. Not only the people around  personal relationships with your family members and most importantly the color and decorating styles you will eventually choose to decorate your bedroom 
Now the question is, how to put this knowledge in practical everyday life
Let's do a small experiment.
 wardrobe. Have a quick glance on the clothes that are sitting inside. Do you see a pattern in them or do you see a wide range of styles Are their any repetitive styles, colors, etc?
Looking this way will immediately reveal take great care while choosing clothes, because it becomes our second skin clothes reveal your personality. The colors, styles, trends to choose are a exact reflection 

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